Sunday, February 13, 2011

Real Deal

Why boys like to run around shooting each other with projectile weapons ? It just darn cool if you would ask me, same goes for other grown up boys (men) I guessed. But how fun is fun, when you're in the 'real deal'. A bullet in your body might potentially end your life, not as in Paintball and Airsoft. How would these real world military personnel, security contractors, mercenaries and etc. perceive it ? Its not fun anymore when your life is on the line, its a coin toss between 2 possibilities, return home safely or get injured or worst killed in the firefight. Scary to most, but that's life as we know it. For the rest of us, we embraced the courage and honor those who are serving in this line of duty, salute. I'll be posting about them as we move on, stay put.

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